North Highlands Church of Christ - Russellville, AL

We exist to glorify God by our words and actions, to unify believers in the Body of Christ, to reach the lost with His Gospel and serve our fellow man.

About Us

We exist to glorify God by our words and actions, to unify believers in the Body of Christ, to reach the lost with His Gospel and serve others. "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." Heb. 10:24-25


God through Worship

Humbling ourselves in the presence of the Lord. Proclaiming the Lord's death through observance of the Lord's Supper. Singing praise to the Lord. Praying with thanksgiving. Giving cheerfully. Preaching the good news of salvation and Christ Jesus the Lord.


Believers in Christian Community

Every member in a bible class. Every member active in a ministry. Every member attending every service of the church possible. Establishing our young people in the faith. Authentic disciplining of new Christians. Restoring the wayward. Sharing our lives in fellowship.


The Good News of Salvation

Making disciples. Friendship evangelism. Building relationships in the community. Partnering with missionaries at home and abroad.


Our Community

Feeding the hungry. Clothing those in need. Supporting Child Service Ministries. Involvement in local school activities.


Our Elders

Mickey Spillers

P: 256-810-1201

Tim Turner

P: 256-762-1650

Doug Clement

P: 256-483-1201

Our Leadership

Our Deacons
Joe Foster

Food Bank
Grant Atkins

Fellowship Hall
Tommy Epperson

Floyd Fennel

Building & Grounds
Chris Wallace

Brian Hamilton

Frankie Hammock

Josh Puckett

Children's Ministry
Brad Rush

Lads to Leaders
Glen Strickland

Office & Finance
Mark Swindle

Stan Swinney

Special Events

Pulpit Minister

Jeff Johnson



Spanish Pulpit Minister

Jaun Garcia

0ur congregation meets at the corner of Hemlock Street and Mulberry Avenue. We meet every Sunday at 9:30am for bible study, worship at 10:30am and evening bible class at 6:00pm. We also meet for a mid-week bible class on Wednesday at 6:30pm. Individual bible studies daily in person and ZOOM online. Each Sunday we have 25-35 in attedance including visitors. Each Wednesday, we have 8-15.

Nuestra congregación se reúne en la esquina de Hemlock Street y Mulberry Avenue. Nos reunimos todos los domingos a las 9:30 a. m. para el estudio bíblico, el culto a las 10:30 a. m. y la clase bíblica vespertina a las 6:00 p. m. También nos reunimos para una clase bíblica a mitad de semana el miércoles a las 6:30 p. m. Estudios bíblicos individuales diarios en persona y ZOOM en línea. Cada domingo tenemos 25-35 asistentes, incluidos los visitantes. Cada miércoles, tenemos 8-15.

Youth Minister

Cade Pressnell

We understand that not only are the youth such a big part of God's kingdom today, but are the church of the future as well. Cade, along with parents, ministers, deacons, and elders, strive to work together to lay the foundation for young peoples' lives, and their roles in the church. Please look at our various opportunities we have for you to plug into today!


Youth Ministries

We are blessed with many young people at North Highlands that are devoted to God.

2nd Monday Nights Monthly

The Next Chapter is for children birth-5th grade. Every 2nd Monday of the month these families get together, enjoy dinner, and an activity. This provides great fellowship opportunities for parents and children while allowing us to grow closer to God. We hope to see you at our next event!

Every Sunday AM during Sermon

Kids For the Kingdom is one of the many great programs at North Highlands Church of Christ. During worship all children, ages 2-2nd grade, attend a class that is more suited to their needs. By doing this, the children at NHCOC can learn biblical material that meets them at their developmental level and will stay with them into their adult lives.

Year Round

North Highlands is actively engaged and participates in Lads to Leaders. The L2L program ensures our youth are becoming Godly leaders in our church and our community. Beyond this, Brad & Emily have a vision and motto of our youth creating life long Christian friendships that matter. They ensure both of these by having full congregational support and integrating L2L in nearly everything we do!


Maywood Christian Camp, Challenge Youth Conference (CYC), Exposure Youth Camp (EYC). Along with camps and conventions, North Highlands offers a variety of resources for our young people to participate in.

It is our belief that training a child in the way they will go will keep them from departing from God. (Prov. 22:6). By keeping our young people actively engaged in the congregation, our prayer is that they grow to become pillars of the Lord's church.

Engaged, Active, & Involved Adults

Adult Life

North Highlands adults are involved and connected. From numerous Bible classes and studies weekly, to outings like going to see the ark in KY, or a gas station run to Buc-ee's, a trip to see the Trash Pandas play, good ol fellowship meals, mens prayer breakfast, Sonshiners, and so much more. There are numerous opportunities for adults to bond and grow closer together.

Contact us

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We invite you to contact, connect, and worship with us soon!
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Mailing Address: PO Drawer H Russellville, AL 35653
Physical Address: 2101 N Jackson Ave. Russellville, AL 35653