About Us
God through Worship
Humbling ourselves in the presence of the Lord. Proclaiming the Lord's death through observance of the Lord's Supper. Singing praise to the Lord. Praying with thanksgiving. Giving cheerfully. Preaching the good news of salvation and Christ Jesus the Lord.
Believers in Christian Community
Every member in a bible class. Every member active in a ministry. Every member attending every service of the church possible. Establishing our young people in the faith. Authentic disciplining of new Christians. Restoring the wayward. Sharing our lives in fellowship.
The Good News of Salvation
Making disciples. Friendship evangelism. Building relationships in the community. Partnering with missionaries at home and abroad.
Our Community
Feeding the hungry. Clothing those in need. Supporting Child Service Ministries. Involvement in local school activities.

About us
North Highlands congregation began in December 1956, with approximately thirty members. The congregation began meeting in an old ski factory on the corner of Hemlock and Mulberry Street (the current Hispanic church). In the early days prominent preachers came to Russellville to assist the new congregation. These included: George DeHoff (who had preached at Washington Avenue). G.K. Wallace, Maurice Howell, Ermon Bain, Van Bradley, C.C. Burns, and Guy N. Woods. In 1958 a preacher's house was constructed next to the building. By 1965 the renovated ski factory was no longer sufficient to meet the needs of a growing congregation. On January 2, 1966 the North Highlands congregations moved into its new facilities. That building still serves as the core of our facilities today. On April 21, 1996 dedication services were held for our current building. The expansion project completed in 1996 added a large fellowship area, fifteen additional classrooms, new offices, a library, and a nursery. The auditorium was also renovated and expanded in 1996.
In addition to the main building, the North Highlands congregation has renovated the old preacher's house on the back of our property and our Hispanic minister and family resides there. Our Hispanic congregation began when Rafael Barrantes and his family came here in 2001. After Rafael's departure, Juan and Laura Garcia, from Peru, came to work with us. The old ski factory that was the original building is now the home of the Hispanic church of Christ.
North Highlands has been committed to sharing the Gospel with others. Our budgets have consistently shown an increase in the amount dedicated to mission work. Currently 25% of our budget is directed towards efforts to evangelize the world.
Elders who have served at North Highlands include: Edmund Cagle, Bob Chaffin, William Champion, James Clement, A.H. Crisler, Tildon "Butch Drake, Troy Fennel, J.H. Foster, Don Garrett, Nello Greenhill, J. Foy Guin, Jr., J. Foy Guin, Sr., Thurman Jones, C.C. Kindig, Fred Lowery, Aaron Pounders, Bruce Simpson, John V, Turbyfil, and Ralph Underwoood. Current Elders are: Doug Clement, Mickey Spillers, Jackie Taylor, and Tim Turner.
Preachers who have served at North Highlands: Ernest Clevenger (1957-1963), Mark Tom Hicks, Sr. (1964), Frank Young (1965-1968), Duke Gregory (1969), Fred Winslett (1969), George Marshall (1970- 1974), Clarence Denny (1974), Charles Curtis (1974-1980), Charlie Britnell (1980-1981), Edmund Cagle (1981-1998), Garvis Semore (1999-2001), Keith Barnett (2002-2012), Trae Durden (2013-2020), and Philip Goad (2020- ).
Additional men have worked with the North Highlands congregation both full-time and part-time. These men include: Terry Michaels, Don Richardson, Gary Sorrells, Clayburn Smith, Charles Coil, Jr., Dale Andrews. Garry Mahan, Jack Henson, Robin Dunaway, Thomas Cochran, Jeff South, Jonathan Germany and Cade Pressnell.
North Highlands has been instrumental in spreading Christianity throughout our city, county, state, nation, and into all the world.

Contact us
Physical Address: 2101 N Jackson Ave. Russellville, AL 35653